Most of us are so busy that it’s easy to neglect our health and well-being. More often than not, we don’t find the time to shop for fresh fruit and vegetables, clean them, store them and prepare them into wholesome meals. Yet it’s so important to eat at least five different types of fruit and vegetables.
Smoochie smoothies provide healthy food and drink for persons with a busy lifestyle who don’t want to compromise on their health. Entirely made from unprocessed fruit, Smoochies supply the body with nutrients, delivering within minutes easily digestible vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates and polynutrients.
These natural blends of nutrients work together to enhance immunity, helping to protect us from not just coughs and colds but also cancer and cardiovascular disease.
Each bottle of Smoochie contains at least five different fruits with no sugars or preservatives. Even followers of the GI (Glycemic Index) approach to eating can drink their favourite Smoochie, knowing they have a low GI score. GI wraps up all we know about eating well in one easy concept – stay away from sugary processed foods and go for highly nutritious natural foodstuffs with complex carbohydrates.
Unlike other fruit drinks, Smoochies score low in GI. There are three main reasons for this. First, Smoochies contain whole crushed fruit and therefore all the fibre of the fruit, which helps reduce GI.
Studies have shown that phloridzin, the compound found in apple juice (a key ingredient in Smoochies) slows glucose absorption. Naturally occurring phloridzin in the apple juice used in Smoochies reduces the overall GI impact of not just the smoothie but the whole meal you are eating at the time.
The third reason is that Smoochies are the only drinks on the market made with fresh and unpasteurised fruits and juices which are not made from concentrates. Over-processed foods have higher GI ratings as they are more easily absorbed into the bloodstream, so Smoochie’s refusal to use processed concentrates lowers GI scores even further.
Smoochies contain all the phytoprotectants, fibre, vitamins and minerals that are naturally found in fruit. They are an important part of a healthy dietary lifestyle, replacing both undesirable drinks, which are essentially nutrient free, and snacks, which increase intakes of fat and salt.