Photography has become a popular medium for artistic expression. In our modern society, people are accustomed to show their feelings and emotions by capturing their activities and surroundings using photography. In recent years people are also using alternative mobile devices without compromising the level of the artist’s expression.

In order to further promote this contemporary artistic medium, APS Bank has been supporting the Malta Photographic Society since 2010 by sponsoring a series of activities, including four photography competitions, along with their respective exhibitions.

This year’s exhibition is entitled Movement and is based on last year’s photography competition. Participation for this competition was very encouraging, with over 90 photographers submitting over 300 prints. The photo The Bass Player by Stephen Buhagiar placed first, while Race by Christopher Azzopardi and Aqua Motion by Jean-Marc Vassallo placed second and third respectively.

This year’s photography competition, titled Contrast, will be officially launched during the opening of the exhibition. Interested parties are invited to download the application form from APS Bank’s website at as from April 15.

The exhibition will be open to the general public from Saturday. You can visit this exhibition from Monday to Friday from 8.15am to 1.30pm and on Saturday mornings from 8.15am to 11.45am at APS Bank Centre in Birkirkara (Swatar). Moreover, the Movement exhibition will also be held at the Banca Giuratale in Rabat, Gozo from July 26 to August 19. The public is urged to paya visit to this exhibition. Entrance is free of charge.

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