Tonio Portughese is set to be appointed chairman of PBS, sources in the government have confirmed. He will succeed Joseph Mizzi.

Albert Marshall will be deputy chairman.

Other members on the board are expected to include Frank Portelli and Claire Bonello.

Asked about the appointment of a head of news, a spokesman for the Ministry of Home Affairs, which is responsible for PBS, said the appointment is made by the board and no resignation had been demanded or received from the incumbent, Natalino Fenech.

Sources had said that Reno Bugeja is being lined up for the post. 

Dr Porthugese was a director of PBS in the early 1990s.

He is the world human resources development manager at ST Microelectronics, a post he will retain.

He has also served as chairman of the Industrial Tribunal and chairman of the ETC, among other roles.

Over the years he conducted numerous television and radio programmes on various broadcasting stations. He was also president of Sliema Band Club.


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