The Malta Environment and Planning Authority (Mepa) has initiated the process for all local plans to be reviewed. The process is commencing with a three-month long public consultation exercise.
"The scope of this review exercise is to identify any shortcomings that exist in the current local plans but more importantly to propose innovative ideas and recommend new land-use purposes which can positively be considered during the compilation of the new proposed local plans. Following the draft compilation of the new local plans, which will get published next year, the Authority will issue the draft policies for further public consultation," Mepa said.
Local Plans aim at regulating development both on a regional level and also on the level of localities. Local plans are enabling plans which, Mepa said, safeguard land for a range of identified activities giving due regard to their context, inter-compatibility and to promote certain types of investment in identified areas. They also earmark areas for residential accommodation, urban regeneration, social and community amenities, promotion of tourist activity, recreational facilities, employment opportunities, utilities management and safeguarding of cultural and natural heritage.
"The Authority intends creating planning policies that are tailored to achieve a sustainable balance between the wide range of citizen’s aspirations. This goal can only be reached if active citizens’ participation is secured from the outset. Active participation is strongly encouraged so that MEPA and decision takers do not just get the views of the vociferous few, but would be in a position to gauge the aspirations of the many."
MEPA Chairman Vincent Cassar said: “we are at a stage were we need to look ahead and make a conscious leap to instigate and achieve quality in our built environment. The revision of the local plans and other planning policies in the coming months is a catalyst for us to ensure that a better harmonised, more vision-driven approach to policy making and its implementation is adopted.”
“During the entire revision process of the local plans we want to engage with the public and most importantly with Local Councils because we believe that they have a vital role to play. We want to give them the space and flexibility to focus on the issues that really matter to their locality, while at the same time ensuring a focus on national strategic objectives." .
Comments and suggestions can be emailed to or by post at LP2013, Local Plans, St. Francis Ravelin, Floriana by September 30. For further information the public can also call 2290 1027 during office hours.