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Which nations will be the world leaders in 2030? Which ship types will dominate? Which economic factors will influence global trade? And what will be the great issues of the moment?

The answers to these and other critical questions about our and the world’s future are answered, dissected and analysed in a new report, Global Marine Trends 2030. It has four main themes – the growth of GDP, the demand for resources, population growth and environmental change.

Some of the facts such as the continuing rise of China speak for themselves. Others like the exponential growth of India and a predicted 40 per cent global rise in daily energy needs in the next 20 years are less obvious.

The report makes for a stirring, and at times startling, read. How many of us could have guessed for instance that in 2030, eight of the world’s 10 largest cities will be ports? Or that commercial shipping will double in scale and size? And it is reassuring to read observations such as: “The marine world in 2030 will be almost unrecognisable owing to the rise of emerging countries, new consumer classes and resource demand” and “shipping will expand in line with rising living standards and an expanding world economy.” Heartening news indeed in the middle of a global recession.

The 143-page report divides the world into three scenarios: Status Quo, Global Commons and Competing Nations. With the first, the world will continue its current momentum of growth with some booms and busts over the next 20 years. The second will see a desire for a more sustainable world and greater fairness in wealth distribution and increasing concern about resource limitation and environmental degradation. The third scenario shows countries mainly acting in their own national interests – and so a world of self-interest with a likely rise in protectionism and slower economic growth.

To read the GMT 2030 report and watch Lloyd’s Register’s unique video visit www.lr.org/GMT2030.

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