Prime Minister Joseph Muscat has been urged to back a call for Gibraltar to be awarded the George Cross for its “dedication and courage to the British nation”.

The UK Friends of Gibraltar wrote to Dr Muscat telling him that, like Malta, the disputed ‘Rock’ deserves one of the highest UK honours for its 300 years of service and resilience during the Second World War.

“The Second World War produced many accounts of heroism and sacrifice, but no British territory other than Malta played its part with more heroic effort than the people of Gibraltar,” the group told Dr Muscat.

“The George Cross for Gibraltar is Britain’s chance to show politically, and symbolically, the importance of the British community on the Rock.”

The letter, accompanied by a petition, follows the latest diplomatic spat between London and Madrid over the future of the 2.6-square-mile British territory at the tip of the Iberian Peninsula.

Spain has been claiming jurisdiction for a long time, but Gibraltarians have rejected proposals for Spanish sovereignty in referendums held in 1967 and 2002.

Under the Gibraltar constitution of 2006, the territory governs its own affairs, though some powers, such as defence and foreign relations, remain the responsibility of the UK government.

Malta’s recognition for bravery

The George Cross is one of the highest awards of the UK honours system, second only to the Victoria Cross.

It is the highest gallantry award for civilians, as well as for members of the armed forces, in actions for which purely military honours would not normally be granted.

Instituted in 1940 by King George VI, it was only given collectively twice – to Malta and to the Royal Ulster Constabulary.

In a letter to Malta’s Governor, Lieutenant General Sir William Dobbie, King George wrote he was awarding the George Cross to Malta “to honour her brave people” and “bear witness to a heroism and devotion that will long be famous in history”.

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