With summer holidays coming to an end, those keepsakes brought back for nearest and dearest may already be in the bin, according to the latest survey by leading travel search website Skyscanner.net.

Buying a gift for those back home may seem a nice gesture, but holidaymakers would be better off saving their euros, as more than two-thirds (69 per cent) of people admit that they really don’t appreciate those holiday souvenirs and 15 per cent bin them as soon as they get them.

In a survey of 2,000 people, ornaments (14 per cent) ranked top as the most disappointing gift to receive, with comedy T-shirts (nine per cent) and cheap jewellery (nine per cent) following closely.

Key rings and fridge magnets (seven per cent), though souvenir classics, also fail to impress, while food items (four per cent), snow globes (four per cent) and fake DVDs (four per cent) were equally as unpopular.

Yet, these unwanted holiday presents don’t come cheap. More than eight out of 10 holidaymakers (82 per cent) across Europe are pointlessly shelling out an estimated €5.9 billion a year to share a little of their break with those at home, with each holidaymaker wasting on average €27.60 on unwanted gifts.

More than one in 10 holidaymakers (14 per cent) admitted to spending more than €45 on gifts for those back home, while nine per cent have parted with in excess of €55.

What happens to the gifts won’t make happy reading either, with results revealing that only four per cent of people find a use for them.

A cheeky six per cent even owned up to re-gifting an item they didn’t like

Eighteen per cent of holiday gifts are hidden away in cupboards, while 10 per cent are donated to charity.

A cheeky six per cent even owned up to re-gifting an item they didn’t like and three per cent sold their holiday gifts on online shopping sites like eBay, arguably making a profit on their unwanted holiday tack.

While two per cent have gone to the lengths of ‘accidentally’ breaking their gift so that they don’t have to keep it and one per cent have refused a gift point-blank.

The survey also revealed that friends (24 per cent) and parents (19 per cent) are most likely to buy unwanted gifts, despite being the people who should know the recipients the best.

Top 10 most unwanted holiday gifts

1. Ornament
2. Comedy T-shirt
3. Cheap jewellery
4. Key ring
5. Magnet
6. Food item
7. Snow globe
8. Fake DVD
9. Local drink
10. Airline branded toy

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