As part of its commitment to improve customer service and on time performance, Air Malta is in the process of introducing changes to the check-in process from Malta International Airport and at the various airports throughout its network.

It said in a statement that, with immediate affect, it introduced a fast track counter for passengers travelling with hand baggage from Malta International Airport.

This counter, located at the Air Malta Sales Office in the departure’s area, will be available everyday between 6 and 9am and from 1 to 5pm.

From October 27, Air Malta is also changing check-in closure times for flights departing from Malta and various overseas airports.

Check-in counters at airports will close 45 minutes prior the scheduled time of departure. The new timings apply for both cub and economy class passengers. Moreover club passengers with hand luggage only can still check-in up to 30 minutes before the scheduled time of departure.

Check-in of both club and economy passengers travelling to/from Tripoli, Benghazi, Algiers and Tel Aviv will close 60 minutes prior the scheduled time of departure.

Check-in counters at all airports will continue to open at least two hours before the schedule time of departure.

There will be no changes to the online and mobile check-in services.

These changes are being implemented with the aim of improving customer service, aircraft turnaround times and the airline’s On Time Performance.

Air Malta said that the adjustments being made were already giving results and in the first six months of this year the airline has improved its on-time performance by five per cent compared to the same period last year.During this period, 85 per cent of Air Malta’s flights (departures and arrivals) departed within less than 15 minutes of their scheduled time of departure.

Earlier today, Air Malta said it tripled online bookings during the first five days of its current seat sale compared to the same period last year.

Last Sunday the airline launched a campaign offering a 25 per cent discount on over one million seats on 23 scheduled destinations in and out of Malta.

This sale is accompanied by an international advertising campaign across all the airline’s network on various media including traditional print, radio and online.

The sale ends at 11.59pm on Sunday.


On the occasion of World Animal Day being celebrated today, Air Malta launched an updated Pet Travel policy to make it easier for passengers to travel with their pets on its flights.

Over 1,000 Air Malta passengers choose to travel with their pets every year.

The new policy, which will commence from the start of the airline’s winter schedule on October 27, will allow passengers to bring their pets with them to the airport on the day of travel and check them in with their luggage.

The pets, in their appropriate containers, would be taken care of through specific processes at the airport and carried onto the aircraft. This change would facilitate pet travel as passengers would not have to leave their pets at cargo depot points. Passengers making use of this facility had to check-in at least two hours before the scheduled time of departure.

The policy related to passengers travelling with guide dogs in the cabin has not been changed.



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