There is nothing more frustrating than having to constantly explain your dog’s strange reactions or make excuses for this behaviour.

We try to do our best, seeking help from professionals but once a problem is already there, you have to base your expectations on how far your dog can realistically go. It is, by far, the best option to prevent the problem rather than having to solve it.

For most dog owners, taking their dog to the vet or to the groomer is something they dread because they know this is not going to be a plain-sailing ordeal. In some cases, it becomes so much of a problem that it keeps the owner away from grooming their dogs and taking them to the vet to avoid the trauma.

A common reason for dogs reacting badly to these situations is that they have not been appropriately habituated to them early enough in their life. A common misconception is that socialisation and habituation start with the new family once they buy or adopt a puppy, but in reality this is a process that should start much earlier when the puppies are just opening their eyes. This is when they are learning what is normal and what is to be expected in life.

These are not the times to part with our money for a dog that hasn’t even been properly raised or planned. That money has to be earned by making sure to select the right dogs for breeding and making sure the puppies are properly managed in this very important time.

Introducing sights, sounds, textures, surfaces, handling and social contact in a planned fashion makes sure nothing is left to chance, thus producing a better pet for the people buying the puppy.

You may think this means getting a puppy from a shelter or the streets is a lesser solution than buying from a reputable breeder, but really and truly, puppies on the street or in the shelters are often already introduced to all this due to the busy nature of these environments.

When you look on the internet for a puppy or buy from a pet shop, how sure can you be they have even been handled or kept in clean and healthy environments?

If you want to know more about the right way your breeder should be raising puppies that are well suited to living with your future children, other dogs, cats and older people, coping with the fireworks frenzy of our summer or tolerating being examined and groomed, visit our Puppy Plan tab on or call 2142 1500 or 7771 1100. You can also read more about the science behind the Puppy Plan and view videos of five cute puppies from when they were born to when they reached 16 weeks.

This article was submitted by Dogs Trust Malta.

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