The co-education system will be starting from Form 1 in all colleges as from the next scholastic year, following a consultation process, the Education Ministry said.

The wide consultation process showed that colleges were in favour of the system and willing to introduce it together with the middle school concept.

The decision follows the introduction of co-education at St Claire’s Secondary School, in Pembroke, last September.

Following feedback from parents, educators and students, the set-up of the colleges will remain as is.To cater for the imbalance in the college population, the middle-school set-up will not be the same in all colleges.

Some colleges will have the middle school on premises within the same secondary school set-up.

These include the Mosta Boys’ Secondary School, Mosta Girls’ Secondary School, Zejtun Girls’ Secondary School, Sta Lucia Girls’ Secondary School and Pembroke Secondary School.

The other middle schools will be operating from another school as per  below.

 College  Current School  Localities
Gozo College  Victoria GSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
Maria Reġina College  Mosta BSS (designated to include a Middle School) Mellieħa Primary School, St Paul's Bay Primary School
Maria Reġina College  Mosta GSS (designated to include a Middle School) Mosta Primary School, Naxxar Primary School, Għargħur Primary School
St Benedict College  Kirkop BSS (designated to include a Middle School instead of the Sports School) All College Primary Schools
St Clare College  Pembroke Secondary School All College Primary Schools
St Ġorġ Preca College  Blata l-Bajda GSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
St Ignatius College  Ħandaq GSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
St Margaret College  Cospicua GSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
St Nicholas College  Rabat GSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
St Theresa College  B'kara BSS (designated to become a Middle School) All College Primary Schools
St Thomas More  Żejtun GSS (designated to include a Middle School) Żejtun Primary School, M'scala Primary School
St Thomas More*  St Lucia GSS (designated to include a Middle School) Fgura Primary School, Tarxien Primary School, M'xlokk Primary School

*others options are also being considered

It is also to be noted that the National Sports School will be located at the current St Andrew’s GSS.

All other students in the secondary sector will continue their education in the current schools.


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