Rosette Thake was this evening confirmed as the Nationalist Party’s first female general secretary getting 70 out of the 74 votes cast by members of the executive committee.

She was uncontested for the post.

In a short address following her election, she outlined her priorities the main one being to continue strengthening the party’s internal structures and organisation.

She thanked her predecessor Chris Said for making her job easier and said the structures and the organisation had to be strong in time for the next election.

Ms Thake, 47, said she would emphasise on improving communication both internally between the party structures and externally.

“I can bring back, along with the help of many others, those who left the party and new people.”

Party leader Simon Busuttil said Ms Thake was taking over at a crucial time, when the PN was transitioning from being a party in Opposition to a party preparing for government.

She had the necessary qualities to ensure that the party would see through the rest of the road it needed to travel, Dr Busuttil said as he thanked her for offering her life and total dedication to the party.

Ms Thake has been involved in the Nationalist Party for the past two years. She served on the board of Azad and that analysing the 2013 general election result.

A graduate in communications and social studies, she had been a managing partner in a cooperative in the early education sector for the past 10 years.

Journalists were allowed in for the reading of Ms Thake results and Dr Busuttil’s comments.

The other posts on the executive are also expected to be reconfirmed.

They are:

Assistant secretary general – Jean Pierre Debono

Administrative council president – Karol Aquilina

Executive committee president – Ann Fenech

Treasurer – Alex Perici Calascione

International secretary – Trevor Degiorgio

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