A stronger police presence in Paceville, better laws regulating entertainment venues and harsher penalties for those who break the law are among 20 proposals by the Opposition to address safety and security issues in Paceville.

The proposals were made following an incident last month in which scores of young people were injured in a stampede outside a club that caused a stairwell to collapse.

Shadow Home Affairs Minister Beppe Fenech Adami said: “The aim of these proposals is that Paceville will again become a place where those seeking entertainment can have peace of mind.”

The Nationalist Party also suggested the establishment of a committee on security and public order in Paceville headed by the mayor of St Julian’s and including representatives of the establishments, the police, the health and safety authority, hotels and restaurants association, and the chamber for small enterprises.

The committee would review government strategy and make its own suggestions.

The PN proposed stiffer penalties for those found to be carrying weapons in places of entertainment as well as for venue owners who allow underage people to enter the establishment or who sell alcohol to them.

Another proposal was a review of the traffic system because there were currently four places of entry and only one exit.

David Agius, PN spokesman on local government and young people, stressed the Opposition had been insisting on the need for a stronger police presence in Paceville for months.

St Julian’s mayor Karl Gouder said residents in the area also deserved a safe environment.

The proposals for Paceville

• Its own police station

• Adequate police complement

• Installation of CCTV cameras

• Refurbishment of the St Julian’s station

• An allowance given to police on Paceville duties

• A five-year rotation for those police officers assigned to Paceville

• Training on security in entertainment venues given to police assigned to Paceville

• The streamlining of laws regulating entertainment venues

• The establishment of a committee to oversee security and public order in Paceville

• A register of security officers licensed to work in entertainment venues

• A requirement that any establishment catering for more than 250 people must have a security officer responsible for ensuring the venue abides by regulations

• A yearly fire and safety drill to be held in every establishment hosting more than 100 people

• Professional counselling for the Paceville community by NGOs

• Harsher penalties for weapons possession

• Harsher penalties for establishment owners who allow entry and drink sales to those under age

• Introduction of tourist wardens

• Information leaflets on security for foreign language students

• An ambulance with dedicated paramedics on standby

• A Rapid Intervention Unit

• A revision of the traffic system

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