Trinidad and Tobago Prime Minister Keith Rowley together with a parliamentary delegation visited Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd in Mrieħel. Dr Rowley was in Malta for the Commonwealth Heads of Government Meeting.

Consolidated Biscuit, set up in 1982 by Trinidadian and Maltese investors, employs over 200 people and exports to over 25 countries worldwide in four continents. The company also exports various products to Trinidad and Tobago under the local brand Devon.

Dr Rowley was greeted by company chairman Alec Mizzi and managing director Joseph Pace. He and his delegation were shown round the production facilities and the new €2 million biscuit line installed last year.

Over the years, Consolidated Biscuit Co. Ltd has secured its leading position through investment in technology, innovation, constant research and development for new products and product improvements.

The company will be investing €4 million in the next two years to further improve automation and enhance its competitive position to win more business in international markets.

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