Malta’s GDP per capita was 84% that of the EU average last year from 85% in 2013 and 84% in 2012, figures issued today show.
Actual Individual Consumption (AIC) was unchanged at 79%. AIC is a measure of the material welfare of households expressed in Purchasing Power Standards (PPS).
Ten member states recorded AIC per capita above the EU average in 2014. The highest level in the EU was recorded in Luxembourg, 41% above the EU average.
Germany and Austria were more than 20% above. They were followed by Denmark, the United Kingdom, Belgium, Finland, the Netherlands, France and Sweden which all recorded levels between 10% and 15% above the EU average.
AIC per capita for 12 member states lay between the EU average and 30% below. In Italy and Ireland, the levels were less than 10% below the EU average, while Cyprus, Spain, Greece, Portugal and Lithuania were between 10% and 20% below.
Malta, Slovakia, the Czech Republic ,Slovenia and Poland came next at between 20% and 30% below the average.
Six Member States recorded AIC per capita more than 30% below the EU average: Estonia, Latvia, Hungary and Croatia were between 30% and 40% below, while Romania had AIC per capita 43% below the EU average and
Bulgaria was around 50% below.