By the end of April, the government’s surplus had one again went up, reaching €21.2 million, mostly thanks to higher income from grants and income tax.

The deficit at the end of April 2016 stood at €77.5 million.

The National Statistics Office reported that compared to the same period last year, recurrent income went up by €158.3 million whereas total spending went up by €59.6 million.

In January-April 2017, recurrent revenue was recorded at €1,221.3 million, while total expenditure stood at €1,200 million up due to more spending on recurrent expenditure and capital expenditure – which was balanced in part by lower spending on interest payments. Servicing the public debt cost €74.1 million, down from €77 million last year.

At the end of April 2017, central government debt stood at €5,613.6 million, up by €22.2 million over the corresponding month last year. This was the result of higher Malta Government Stocks (€154 million) and euro coins issued in the name of the Treasury (€4.4 million).

On the other hand, Treasury Bills and foreign loans went down by €110.7 million and €10.4 million respectively.

Malta registered a general government surplus of €101 million in 2016.


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