Good morning. These are the leading stories in today's local newspapers. 

The Times of Malta leads England manager Gareth Southgate's insistence that his team are not taking Malta lightly, with the two teams due to face off during a World Cup qualifier tonight in Ta' Qali. Mr Southgate was speaking during a press conference held last night. 

In a secondary story, the paper quotes PN leadership hopeful Adrian Delia as saying his support has been boosted by the party's calls for his to reconsider his position. 

The Malta Independent leads with a splash highlighting the England team's return to Maltese shores. Below that, the paper reports on the PN leadership race, quoting an ethics committee report which said that the party leader's integrity had to be beyond any shadow of doubt. 

L-Orizzont reports on ticket touts surrounding tonight's Malta-England game, with the paper saying that several people hoovered up large numbers of tickets with the intention of selling them at up to twice their face value.

In-Nazzjon leads with a report about yesterday evening's second debate between PN leadership candidates, noting that party councillors will whittle the four candidates down to two in a vote to be held tomorrow. 

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