A reward fund is being set up as part of the quest for information into who ordered and who carried out the murder of Daphne Caruana Galizia on Monday.

David Thake, who in the past organised fundraising for the Caruana Galizia libel fund, said this morning that the new fund seeks to raise €1 million to be given as a reward for information that leads to the successful prosecution of the assassin and the person or persons who ordered the assassination.

In the event that the fund goes unclaimed or un-awarded, the money will be distributed to Dar Merħba Bik which was the charity that Daphne had identified as her beneficiary of choice in the last crowd fund.

'May she rest in peace, but let justice be done' he said.


The prime minister yesterday said the government was considering offering a reward for information that could help the investigators. 

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