A Mediterranean storm-petrel kanġu ta’ Filfla has successfully bred on Malta for the first time, Birdlife has claimed.

It said in a statement that the small seabird species, which currently breeds on Filfla and a few sea caves in Gozo, was confirmed breeding at l-Irdum tal-Madonna in Mellieħa following the fledging of a chick in 2016 and the ringing of a nestling which hatched this year.

L-Irdum tal-Madonna. Photo: Paulo Lago, BirdlifeL-Irdum tal-Madonna. Photo: Paulo Lago, Birdlife

The first breeding attempt was made in 2014 after 11 years of consistent rat control in the area.

The rat control, initially implemented by the Life yelkouan shearwater garnija project, was introduced to combat the threat of predation to yelkouan shearwaters, particularly by black rats, on eggs and nestlings.

This was contributing to the low nesting success for this vulnerable species.

As a result of the conservation measures the site still hosts the largest yelkouan shearwater colony in the Maltese islands and nesting success was increased to over 80%.

The measures also allowed the presence of breeding Mediterranean storm-petrels.

Ringed storm petrel nesting. Photo: Martin Austad, BirdlifeRinged storm petrel nesting. Photo: Martin Austad, Birdlife

The on-site rat control actions will be continued and expanded to other sites as part of Birdlife’s ongoing Life Arċipelagu Garnija project which could lead to more storm-petrels nesting successfully. Other seabird colonies around the Maltese Islands may also benefit.

Birdlife said that while rat control was efficient, waste collection in more remote areas such as l-Aħrax tal-Mellieħa needed to become more regular, so that rats would not be able to feed on organic food litter.

The Life Arċipelagu Garnija project also encouraged the public to refrain from littering.

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