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Dr Geoffrey Attard writes:

A few weeks ago, Gozo lost one of its benefactors, George N. Cassar.

George, who lived in Fontana but hailed from Victoria, will be remembered as a much-loved teacher, educator and writer. He was a gentleman in the true sense of the word; reserved but always ready to help, economic in words but straight forward and to the point.

I will always remember him as the headmaster of the secondary school that I attended from 1989 to 1994, the Ninu Cremona Junior Lyceum.

George was approachable, smart and friendly; at the same time there was a certain aura about him which made him respected by all those who knew him. His love for the Maltese language radiated out of his writings even though he was not a prolific one.

George N. Cassar was born in Victoria on June 8, 1934, the son of Melchiorre Cassar and Marċella Mizzi, both of Victoria.

He studied to become a teacher and educator.  Throughout his life he served in various places. He was president of the La Stella Philarmonic Society, of Victoria, from 1980 to 1982.

He served as headmaster of the Ninu Cremona Lyceum Complex from 1986 to 1991 and from 1994 to 1995.

In 2009, he published a book of essays entitled Żmien il-Ħsad, a book dedicated to his grandchildren Nikola, Damjan and Pawlu.

He always insisted with his own son and daughter that they should give their own children Maltese names, such was his love for his native language.

George passed away on October 21, 2017. He is survived by his wife Maria, née Ruggier, and their children Marcelle, Jean Mark and Marie Claire.

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