The decision to put portraits of Raymond Caruana, Dom Mintoff and Karin Grech alongside that of Daphne Caruana Galizia in a makeshift shrine has elicited diverse reactions with almost one common denominator - the pictures of the former prime minister should not sit on the same platform.

It is not know who placed the photos of the three overnight - the four-month anniversary of the journalist's murder - but the stunt is expected to fuel further debate.

The controversy surrounding the memorial in front of the Great Siege monument in Valletta showed no signs of slowing down, as Times of Malta took to the streets to gauge people's reactions.

Some of the respondents disagreed that new photos were added to the one of Ms Caruana Galizia, saying the memorial should remain dedicated to the journalist.

Others pointed out that Mr Mintoff's photo stands out since he was not murdered like the other three.

“It’s not his place,” one person said. “We should put up photos of everyone who died then!” another added, insisting that the memorial should be dedicated to those who were victims of bomb killings. But one youngster said that only the slain journalist's picture should be removed from the foot of the monument. 

Ms Caruana Galizia reviled the former prime minister through her writings. 

“Why did they put Dom Mintoff’s photos next to her? She used to write so many things against the Labour Party!” another mused.

One passer-by summed it up differently: "I only want one thing, for her relatives to remove the flowers, because this is too much... and it will continue to escalate."

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