[attach id="634228" size="medium" align="right"]One of Isaac Azzopardi’s works on display in ħagraisland.[/attach]

Isaac Azzopardi is presenting his first show ħaġraisland, a collection of reflections about the changing aesthetics of Malta.

Through the use of construction material, appropriation and rubbing techniques, the exhibition revolves around three main references: Austin Camilleri’s installation Stones from 1999, as Maltese contemporary art canon, Anselm Kiefer’s ideas about art as alchemy and Malta’s changing urbanity.

Appropriating the golden stone from Camilleri allowed for this epitomic object to be relocated within different contexts. This not only creates a ‘dialogue’ with the past but also explores the role of this object as a symbol, what it stands for and how it has changed since.

Ħaġraisland will open to the public today and run until March 29 at Palazzo de la Salle, Valletta. Viewing times: Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 7pm and on Saturdays from 8.30pm to 1.30pm.

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