As part of its Arts on Screen series, Eden Cinemas presents Caravaggio – the Shape of Darkness, a new documentary dedicated to an Italian Master, partly filmed in Malta, starting from March 23 for a very limited period.

After groundbreaking success in terms of audiences and critics of The Vatican Museums and Florence and the Uffizi Gallery, and after the release of Raphael – The Lord of the Arts, here comes a new documentary dedicated to an Italian Master: Caravaggio – The shape of darkness.

The documentary offers a journey through the life, works and struggles of Michelangelo Merisi from Caravaggio. His existence, no less than his art, is characterized by lights and shadows, contrasts and contradictions, genius and sobriety.

A revolutionary artist, he was often not so beloved by contemporaries. He travelled Italy in search of luck or perhaps in search of himself, escaping the enemies that he always found at his passage. Milan, Venice, Rome, Naples, Malta, Sicily.

His death seems a twist of faith: he died in Porto Ercole, one step away from Rome, one step away from salvation. According to the Longhi’s lesson (the main Caravaggio expert), his work will be read with strict reference to his existence, finding in his masterpieces the echo of personal experiences.

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