Despite a recent court judgment which rescinded a controversial expropriation deal signed under his watch, former Lands Minister Michael Falzon has insisted there had been no wrongdoing on his part.

Instead, he said the blame should go on those who had given him advice to forge ahead with the deal, but declined to mention any names. Dr Falzon gave this reaction when the Times of Malta sought his views on the latest twist in the so-called Gaffarena scandal which in January 2016 had led to his resignation.

Last month, the Civil Court annulled two separate deals, signed in January and April 2015, between Mark and Josielle Gaffarena and the Lands Department.

The couple had sold half of a property in Old Mint Street, Valletta, to the government for €1.65 million, just weeks after acquiring it for a fraction of that price.

Contrary to others, I felt I had to shoulder responsibility

The request for the deal to be revoked had been instituted by the Prime Minister in the wake of a damning report by the National Audit Office which had concluded that there had been “collusion” between the Lands Department and Mr Gaffarena.

Dr Falzon, had resigned immediately after the NAO’s findings, even though he had disputed the conclusions and questioned the impartiality of the Office itself.

However, 18 months later he was returned to Cabinet, following the June 2017 general election, this time as Social Policy Minister. His appointment raised eyebrows amid criticism that his “political rehabilitation” came too soon.

Asked for his reaction to the fact that, apart from the NAO, a court had also found enough evidence to revoke the deal, Dr Falzon insisted he had done nothing irregular.

“There was surely no wrongdoing from my part. I acted on the advice given to me within the public service,” he said.

“Contrary to others, I felt I had to shoulder responsibility even if I was not directly or personally involved,” Dr Falzon added.

Asked about criticism that he had paid a relatively light price over his political responsibility as he was back in Cabinet after less than two years, he said this was testament to his performance in the previous legislature.

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