That the Egrant conclusions reached by Magistrate Aaron Bugeja have devastated the Nationalist Party’s little credibility, which it may have had prior to the shocking revelations in the inquiry report, is an understatement.

Indeed, the PN’s strategists have been working overtime to find ways to diminish the overwhelming condemnation directed at those within the party who had meticulously plotted and executed the Egrant frame-up attempt on the Prime Minister’s wife, Michelle. They tried the card that “only 49 pages of a 1,500-page report have been published” when those 49 pages are the conclusions reached by the magistrate based on those 1,500 pages of information and evidence he had collected from 477 individuals, who included also local and foreign forensic experts. Hence, that card did not work.

Now they are resorting to playing a second, morbid card. That of playing the victim. So now we have David Casa and Simon Busuttil, both protagonists in the Egrant fable, claiming their lives are in danger. In fact, both should have first accepted the magistrate’s conclusions, which they have not till this very day. They should have also apologised to the Prime Minister, his wife and the rest of the family for having used that blatant lie built on forged documents, which had caused them so much anguish and anger.

Instead, both Casa and Busuttil are trying to attract sympathy as if they were the victims of the Egrant frame-up attempt and not protagonists of the Egrant story.

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