The Malta national team will make his debut in the newly-established UEFA Nations League tonight, when they will face the Faroe Islands, in Torshavn (kick-off: 8.45pm).

This will be Malta's fifth encounter with the Faroes, ranked 90, and the first in a European championship qualifier.

In fact, 184-ranked Malta played twice the Nordic side in the 1998 FIFA World Cup qualifiers while they crossed swords with each other in two friendlies as well.

[attach id="669388" size="medium" align="left"]Malta's starting XI against the Faroe Islands in 2013. Photo: Malta FA[/attach]

The Faroes boast a better record as they defeated the Maltese in both qualifiers with an identical score of 2-1 and they also won 3-2 in a friendly played in 2004. 

Malta's only positive result was registered in their latest encounter, when in 2013, the Maltese side under the guidance of Pietro Ghedin hosted the Faroes and emerged victorious 3-2. 

Two of the scorers, Ryan Fenech and Michael Mifsud, are currently in Ray Farrugia's roster for the double-header against the Faroe and Azerbaijan, on Monday.

The other scorer was defender Jonathan Caruana. 



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