10 years ago - The Times
Thursday, October 27, 2008
Oil drilling: hopes of ‘giant’ strikes

Oil wells to be drilled to the south of Malta in two years’ time are considered to have a lot of potential given that they will be located in areas thought to be similar to Libya’s lucrative geological setting.
International oil companies licensed to conduct oil exploration around Malta have spoken about the possibility of striking huge reserves, considered by the Oil Exploration Department of the Resources and Rural Affairs Ministry as being of “giant” proportions.
According to estimates made by the ministry there is a 20 per cent chance of finding a commercially feasible oil and gas reserve in the areas in question.
Two wells will be drilled between 2010 and 2011 in “attractive” offshore areas and the prospects of each are more exciting than those in the past because the earmarked zones have a different geological setting that is more similar to Libya’s.
Leni Gas and Oil plc, which has a 10 per cent share in the well that will be drilled in Area Four, said last week the area may contain some five billion barrels of oil, 1.475 billion of which is probably recoverable. This would be a major field, similar to that of Bouri in Libya.
25 years ago - The Times
Wednesday, October 27, 1993
Albert Hyzler dies

Dr Albert V. Hyzler, a colourful figure in politics and former minister, died at St Luke’s Hospital yesterday. He was 76.
Dr Hyzler was a popular speaker who delighted listeners with his wit and sense of humour. He first contested the elections with Boffa’s party in 1951 and was made to resign three years later for his opposition to Dr George Borg Olivier, with whom Dr Boffa had formed a coalition.
Dr Hyzler, whose political career was opposed by his wife, who would have preferred him to continue studying medicine, joined Dom Mintoff’s Labour Party in 1953.
He was jailed for two months for his part in the April 1958 riots, and when Mr Mintoff won the 1971 election was appointed Minister of Health, a portfolio he had held in the Boffa-Borg Olivier coaltion.
Miscarriages average 12%
The number of miscarriages recorded in Maltese hospitals is around 12 per cent of deliveries, according to information given in Parliament by Dr Louis Galea, Minister of Home Affairs and Social Development. The figures were 12.6 per cent in 1989 (614 miscarriages), 12.9 per cent in 1990 (590), 12.1 per cent in 1991 (633) and 12.1 per cent last year (600).
Half a century ago - Sunday Times of Malta
Sunday, October 27, 1968
Agreement onsecurity guards

Malta Drydocks security guards will be free to join either their own federation or a union, but those who choose to belong to the union should form part of a separate branch catering solely for security guards. The union has undertaken not to include security guards in any industrial action whatever.
The point about Union membership came to a head last August when 24 security guards were discharged after obeying a directive by NACSS not to work overtime. The management considered that the contract did not allow the guards to belong to a trade union though they could form their own federation.
The 24 security guards will now be taken back under the terms of an agreement between the management of Malta Drydocks and the General Workers’ Union after prolonged discussions and negotiations under the chairmanship of Dr Vincent Tabone, Minister of Labour, Employment and Welfare.
Details of the agreement provide that any differences of opinion between the GWU and the management in any future negotiations will be automatically referred to the minister for conciliation and eventual arbitration, without recourse to industrial action.