An independent MEP candidate is offering to spend an hour in voters’ living rooms, in a bid to drum up funds for his campaign and spread his ideas.

Independent candidate Antoine Borg is urging voters to invite a few friends over to their house and then call him over for a one-hour sit-down, in a twist to the usual door knocking ritual electoral candidates undertake.

“I will spend an hour with you to listen to your and your friends’ concerns. I will answer all your questions. Of course, I will explain my policies, my thinking and my ideas for the European Union,” Mr Borg said.

“At the end of the evening I will ask for some funds,” he added. Donations will be accepted in cash, credit card or Paypal – though he was keen to stress that people were not obliged to donate. 

Mr Borg dismissed the traditional party clubs used by the Labour and Nationalist parties to campaign.

“Party clubs are the worst place to go campaigning because you only meet the faithful in those places,” he said. “They don't reach out to people who may not have considered voting for them. This is a smarter way to reach people."

Mr Borg describes himself as a candidate who uses data, rather than ideology, to formulate his policies.

“If the idea works, and if it benefits society, that’s all that matters,” he argues on his website.

His platform includes calling for clearer food labelling standards, a greater focus on Europol and transnational crime-fighting, and using research and development funds to boost Europe’s production of goods.

Anyone interested in organising a fundraiser can contact Mr Borg via his website.

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