Bank of Valletta hosted students aged 13 to 16 from various schools at its BOV Centre in Santa Venera for Be Wise – Pay Smart sessions, aimed at promoting financial education and literacy among youths.

[attach id="708093" size="medium" align="right"]BOV promoted financial education and literacy among youths. [/attach]

These sessions, held in collaboration with the Home Economics Seminar Centre, formed part of the European Money Week 2019 programme organised by the Malta Bankers’ Association. 

The students participated enthusiastically in interactive educational sketches and discussions promoting smart ways of paying and tried their hands at using ATMs and EPOS terminals. 

“We learnt about the different types of services available through ATMs and how to use bank cards. Like this we do not have to waste time queuing at the bank,” said Shania, one of the students.

Kurt, one of the youths from St Thomas More College explained: “I was very interested to learn how banks can protect us when we use bank cards instead of cash. I had fun using a card for the very first time, especially the contactless one. It is so easy, much better than cash. Best of all, I learnt how I can take simple actions to ensure that I don’t get robbed and end up broke”.

Aldo Mamo from the Bank’s Information Security & Data Protection Unit, delivered a session on internet security during the teachers’ training seminar, also as part of the European Money Week programme.

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