25 years ago - The Times

Monday, May 9, 1994

Civil service industry grades reform almost completed 

Talks on the reorganisation of industrial grades in the civil service are nearing completion, Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami said yesterday. He also announced that some government workers could be assigned to local councils to carry out particular projects.

Speaking at a PN dialogue meeting in Gozo, Dr Fenech Adami said that process leading to the appointment of directors to liaise between the barious ministries in Malta and the Ministry for Gozo, was in an advanced stage.

The directors fall under the Ministry for Gozo but their responsibilities would reflect the responsibilities of the ministries in Malta.

Building industry slack

The building and construction industry has seen a 40 per cent drop in demand since the beginning of last year, Labour leader Alfred Sant was told yesterday.

The figure was given by a representative of the Federation of Industry’s section for building and construction at a meeting Dr Sant had with representatives of the industry.

Dr Sant said the figure, if correct, was shocking. The meeting was organised by the MLP as part of its information campaign on VAT. 

Half a century ago - Times of Malta

Friday, May 9, 1969

Bus strike over

Malta’s buses were back on the road yesterday at noon. With their welcome reappearance at the termini, the open trucks, vans and other vehicles, with which commuters had to make do for four and a half days of stoppage, returned to their normal work.

Passengers who endured the difficulties of emergency transportation watched the arrival of the buses with relief. Some even spurned the offer of a final trip on a truck or a van – they had had enough of them and preferred to wait for noon and a bus.

First arrivals at the termini were owner-driven buses. Some came as early as an hour before starting time, their drivers arguing the pros and cons of the new arrangement which ended the lay-off. In some cases, buses began working before noon, but there were very few buses at the Sliema terminus at noon. However, they were not long in coming and nowhere were there any queues.

Air service agreements

The Prime Minister Dr. G. Borg Olivier, who went to London to attend the council of Europe anniversary celebrations, has signed air services agreements with the Foreign Ministers of Norway, Sweden and Denmark. 

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