Id-Dar tal-Providenza wishes to express its sorrow for the death of Jean Vanier, the founder of the international communities L’Arche and Faith and Light at the age of 90.

He had visited Id-Dar tal-Providenza on September 9, 1985, when he was in Malta at the invitation of the Diocesan Youth Commission to be the main speaker at the first edition of Festażgħażagħ that was held at the Trade Fair Grounds, in Naxxar. During his stay in Malta he also gave a series of talks at the Caritas offices, in Floriana.

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Vanier was a Canadian philosopher of French origin who, in 1964, chose to leave behind his academic career and began living with two intellectually-disabled men in Trosly, France where he founded the communities of L’Arche. In these communities, intellectually-disabled people, together with their helpers, shared their life together in small homes in the community. Little by little, with his courage and vision, L’Arche communities in France mushroomed to 152, spread over 37 countries across the five continents. Today, 5,000 disabled men and women living at the heart of society, can make themselves heard and live in an environment that helps them develop their capabilities to the fullest.

These communities are united in a common vision etched on a set of principles that inspire this work.

Vanier was an inspiration to Fr Anġ Seychell, better know as Dun Anġ, to open his home to people with intellectual disability, which he named Dar Nazaret. Another home that Dun Anġ opened nearby was appropriately named after Vanier.

Vanier’s message is always an encouragement to build communities of compassion with emphasis on the dignity and value of human life. He stresses that people with disability not only transformed him as a person but he also sees in them a call to appreciate that difference is a gift and not a threat.

Vanier is also an author of many books.

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