The passing of Michael Bonnici took me back some 20 years when my family and I first relocated from South Africa and made our home in Żebbuġ.

Not long after, Michael took the initiative to form an Adopted Żebbuġi society for all local and foreign people who had chosen Żebbuġ as their home.

We enjoyed many wonderful walking tours and gatherings, which Michael led and organised for us, to get to know the history and beauty of Żebbuġ.

On one memorable occasion, we visited the Palace, in Valletta, and were introduced to then president Guido de Marco when Michael promoted the idea of people like me being able to vote in local council elections as he truly believed in integrating people into the society they had chosen to be part of.

Sadly, these efforts never came to fruition. Over the years, many of us have continued to contribute to the good of Malta. How unfortunate that, these days, foreigners are often looked upon as only cash cows and/or workers.

To Michael’s gracious wife and family, may his memories be a blessing.

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