Aquatic sport has provided a lot of satisfaction for Maltese sport in the past 12 months. The waterpolo national teams brought a lot of excellent results on the international scene while San Ġiljan maintained their stranglehold on domestic competitions. Artistic swimmers reached new heights as the sport continues to grow. Valhmor Camilleri looks back at a productive year at the pool during 2023…

The past 12 months have been a very busy time for aquatic sport in Malta with the waterpolo national team selections taking centre stage with their various participations in European Championship qualifiers as well as continental finals.

Milan Cirovic’s senior national team started the year in some style when they advanced to the semi-final stage of the World Cup Division Two.

The Maltese placed third in the qualifying group held in Otopeni to advance to the semi-final stage that was held in Berlin.

Read the full story on the Times of Malta sports website...

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