Schoolchildren will soon be able to enjoy access to some 260 digital Maltese books on their tablet as efforts to "keep Maltese alive" are stepped up. 

Unveiling the reading initiative 'qari ghal qalb', Education Minister Evarist Bartolo told a room full of children this century's challenge was keeping Maltese alive. 

The content children accessed on the internet, especially on sites like YouTube other popular sites, was rarely in Maltese, he said. 

"While our national language had survived colonisation, if we aren't careful, technology can lead to the death of our language."

This initiative was important because it gave students the ability to access technology in a Maltese context, he explained.

Education officer Keith Aquilina said that the application used to access the books  will also be assessing the children and suggest books best-suited to their level.

This meant students could move along at their own pace, he said.

The books will also be accessible to those who have dyslexia. Such versions will have the font expanded and a dyslexia-friendly colour scheme, while there will also be the option to access the books in audio format.


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