Spazju Kreattiv has launched its 2022/2023 season programme with over 560 events.
The events include 400 collaborators and 19 creative forms in what is being dubbed by the Ministry for the Arts as a new chapter.
The upcoming season is set to showcase artistic initiatives that will tackle various current issues exploring ethical, political, religious and philosophical ideas through a variety of art forms such as live theatre, art exhibitions, film, music and dance.
The programme has been designed with inclusivity in mind with dedicated strands to suit different groups from young children to senior citizens.
Children and their families will be specially catered for by the ŻiguŻajg season which offers shows and fun activities in which they may participate.
Malta’s national centre for creativity hopes to expand its digital experience following its success in previous years, the centre said.
It hopes to increase awareness of art and promote greater participation by increasing online services such as video-on-demand possibilities, live-streamed discussions, podcasts, virtual tours and online galleries.
The renovated website will serve as a platform to showcase readily accessible digital works including past events and the organisation’s art collection.
Minister for the Arts, Owen Bonnici said the transnational collaboration that took place united local and foreign artists forging a sense of community, he added.
Fondazzjoni Kreattività chairman, Rupert Cefai said the foundation wanted to continue developing Malta’s creative sector facilitating a way for artists which allowed them to showcase their work.
Spazju Kreattiv’s artistic director, Daniel Azzopardi said that as the sector comes to terms with the effects of the pandemic and the ensuing war, "we are launching a season of events which seeks to be relevant to the state of world affairs, offer space for creative development, and provide more avenues for networking and public participation".