Be it at home or in the office, NAS systems are designed to work continuously and around the clock. Whether you are using your NAS as a centralised data storage system, as a private cloud or as a backup solution, a sudden power failure can have disastrous consequences.

The uninterruptible power supplies (UPS) from PowerWalker provide the necessary protection and ensure that your expensive hardware and critical data remain safe and sound.

The decision to purchase a NAS is often based on the growing awareness of safety and security. The NAS might serve as a backup solution for critical data, or it might provide a redundant system in case of a hard disk failure. However, many users forget to protect the NAS itself.

Even a miniscule power outage lasting milliseconds may interrupt communication and lead to synchronisation errors.

In the worst case scenario important data could be lost or the hardware itself may be damaged.

Often a blackout isn’t even necessary – the same problems might occur during disturbances in mains supply, like power surges or overvoltage.

The line-interactive and online series of PowerWalker are specifically designed to counteract these problems. They fulfill two critical functions. First, the UPS serves as an emergency power generator, which provides power to all connected loads (via batteries) during sudden blackouts. This ensures either a smooth bridging of power problems or enables a safe and orderly shutdown.

Secondly, the UPS protects sensitive hardware and software against voltage fluctuations that may occur during irregularities of the mains supply. This way loss of data, hardware problems and unnecessary wear can be prevented effectively.

UPS solutions offer comfort and functionality

When choosing a suitable UPS it should be noted that there is no one-size-fits-all approach. UPS devices differ in many ways and are designed to work under different conditions. NAS users might want to focus on protecting the storage device itself as well as router, PC and monitor.

For this purpose a line-interactive UPS up to 2000VA power capacity should suffice, which offers a reliable protection for an affordable price. For those who want to invest a little more, an online UPS might be another solution. The double conversion technology of online systems provide even better protection, but they are generally louder and have a higher own power consumption. These devices are especially suited for dedicated server racks or server rooms.

Once you have chosen a UPS model which fits your needs, you should check if the device is supported by your NAS system. Most NAS-manufacturers make this information available on their website.

To summarise, on the one hand PowerWalker UPS solutions offer comfort and functionality during sudden power outages by ensuring a continuous operation; on the other hand they protect your NAS against physical damage, critical errors and data loss. For safety-conscious NAS user a UPS is not only a useful device, but also a necessary investment.

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