On June 23, Malta was shocked to hear about the tragic death of Paul Attard, aged 72. He was a former permanent secretary, president of the Mcast board of governors and president of the St John’s Co-Cathedral Foundation.
He was a first-class educator and administrator and a champion of vocational education. Many students who were cast out by the traditional education system were able to discover their potential and success within Mcast and, today, they are gainfully occupied and contributing to society through their creativity and skills.
Attard was also active in TV and the print media. He used to present socio-religious programmes on television and, for a number of years, was the editor of the popular magazine Familja Kana, published on a monthly basis by the Cana Movement.
I came to know Attard through this publication when, during 1974 and 1999, he was the chairman of the Cana Movement in Gozo. I used to send him articles on a regular basis for publication.
After his retirement from permanent secretary, he still remained very active in public life and, in fact, occupied a number of quite important and delicate positions including chairman of the Public Service Commission.
Attard was a person of integrity and righteousness and he never let his beliefs interfere with his duties as a public officer.
My deepest condolences to his dear wife and family. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.