The Nationalist Party’s general council in June approved the refreshed party statute. Party members are living a very peculiar time as we celebrate the 140th anniversary of the foundation of the PN. We either remain anchored to the past or look forward to renewing and redefining the party with the same courage and commitment shown by our predecessors.

This is an important step, not only for the party but also for our country, which should have a strong functioning and valid opposition that offers a credible alternative government. Naturally, the approval of the renewed statute was just a beginning. It is vital that the statute is brought to life and does not remain just words on paper.

In fact, when I speak to general council members, academics, constituted bodies, civil society and ordinary citizens they all sing from the same hymn sheet: they want a breath of fresh air in politics. They want us younger men and women in politics to lead the way and deliver this.

Claudio Grech is pushing the idea of having a new generation of frontline politicians for the PN. “When we give a chance to our young, capable candidates, this can change to a new political force,” he stated, while highlighting that there is a good crop of new, talented and dynamic politicians within the party.

Every day we hear of new cases of political injustices and corruption- Jerome Caruana Cilia

The creation of quality and value-added work – not cheap labour – would provide workers with new opportunities. Self-employed, especially shop owners who are going through really difficult times, also need this new impetus. This critical sector needs new vibrant eco-systems and incentives to encourage them to expand and develop.

Others who desperately need support are young people who want to start a family but are finding it hard to do so. Equally in difficulty are the elderly and pensioners who are finding it hard to make ends meet.

Unfortunately, I must refer to a survey published by Times of Malta that revealed that only one in five Maltese people trust politicians. This is very sad as I consider politics to be a vocation, a call to serve people and help them live a better life.

However, I cannot blame people for their lack of trust. Every day, we hear of new cases of political injustices and corruption. The latest is related to the corrupt Montenegro deal in which about €7 million were stolen from taxpayers. There are also serious allegations of the involvement of politicians and people in authority in the assassination of journalist Daphne Caruana Galizia.

The government has continually called on us to let the institutions do their job. It is a pity that individuals in certain institutions were doing their best to cover up the dirt by throwing it under the carpet.

During the past few years, I have come across many cases of bullying, injustices and threats to workers by people in power because of their political allegiance.

There have also been threats to prevent people from commenting on politi­cal issues on social media, especially Facebook. A new way of doing politics would put a stop to all this.

We need a breath of fresh air in politics so that our country will rediscover those values that still lie at its very foundations but which we have been encouraged to conveniently forget over the past six or seven years. We can do this by eradicating corruption once and for all.

Political vindictiveness will be a thing of the past; meritocracy will be the norm; youths will find fresh opportunities for work; the environment will be safeguarded and the fight against climate change will be intensified. The few among us will not become ultra-rich at the expense of most of us and we will regain our good repu­tation in the international arena.

My appeal goes out to those who have the good of this country at heart, who feel there is clearly a need for a fresh start, to unite and work towards this aim. Let’s really put aside any differences because, together, we can achieve this new chapter in politics.

Jerome Caruana Cilia is minority leader Qormi, PN candidate.

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