Moonlight Theatre is presenting one of the funniest modern British comedies, Under Milk Wood, by Dylan Thomas, at the Valletta Campus Theatre, this week.

Richard Burton, Elizabeth Taylor, Anthony Hopkins and Michael Sheen have all starred in this play, which is set in a fictional Welsh seaside village.

The characters populating the play are eccentric, poignant, dreamers or driven, frustrated lovers and schemers and include shopkeepers, fishermen, a preacher, a postman, a blind sea captain, a schoolteacher, and even a would-be if hapless murderer.

Playing these roles will be Moonlight Theatre’s talented cast from South Wales, home to Thomas.

The play’s director, John Rhys Thomas, has already taken Under Milk Wood on tour to New York, Harvard and Canada to great acclaim.

Under Milk Wood is being staged at the Valletta Campus Theatre, Valletta, from today until Sunday at 7.30pm. For tickets, visit

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