The House of Representatives yesterday unanimously expressed its appreciation for "the dignified manner in which Dr Edward Fenech Adami carried out his duties to the people of Malta as President of Malta". While thanking him, members of the House wished him a long and happy life and more service to the country.

Dr Fenech Adami's term as the seventh President of Malta ends next Saturday.

Introducing the motion, which was seconded by Opposition Leader Joseph Muscat, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi branded Dr Fenech Adami's term of office as "a Presidency with a European dimension".

Dr Gonzi said this was a special moment in politics. Dr Fenech Adami had served the country and dedicated his life for the common good. Malta was rich in politicians, such as Dr Fenech Adami, who had served their country honestly and with integrity. Both sides of the House paid tribute to such politicians.

Dr Gonzi said that five years ago he had been privileged to propose Dr Fenech Adami for the Presidency, at a solemn and historic moment when Malta was to join the European Union. His Presidency had contributed to the strengthening of Malta's stature in Europe and the Mediterranean.

The Prime Minister said that the Dr Fenech Adami's Presidency had reached its constitutional, political, social and economic targets. Malta had shown its unity when the President, the Leader of the Opposition and he as Prime Minister had represented Malta at the funeral of Pope John Paul II, the enthronement of Pope Benedict XVI and the canonisation of Dun Ġorġ Preca. The President was the symbol of Maltese values.

Dr Gonzi said that one of the characteristics of Fenech Adami's Presidency was the assertion of the national and cultural identity, making everyone proud to be Maltese as Eddie Fenech Adami had said when he took the oath of office as President.

Another characteristic was the solidarity within the family extended to neighbours and those in need. This solidarity was also the hallmark of every government which strove for social justice.

In his speeches, President Fenech Adami was always consistent and determined in proclaiming Malta's Christian values. For Dr Fenech Adami the family was of the highest value. He also valued human dignity, social justice and respect for life from the moment of conception. Another value was that of giving a service to the common good.

The Fenech Adami Presidency had been characterised by the European, economic, constitutional, democratic, social and cultural dimensions. He had shown the European dimension when he was invited to be the first President of Malta to address the European Parliament in Strasbourg.

He had also contributed to the economy through his efforts to attract investment to Malta. Dr Fenech Adami had served the country constitutionally and democratically at election times and also when there was a change of leadership in the opposition Labour Party.

The social and cultural dimensions had been shown in his visits to 25 localities, where he had been welcomed by everyone.

Concluding, the Prime Minister said it was right for the country to show its appreciation to Dr Fenech Adami who had served the country with dignity, seriousness and commitment, making politicians proud to serve their country.

Dr Gonzi also gave tribute to Mrs Mary Fenech Adami for being a shoulder to her husband, a person who was both humble and proud, adding that their children and grandchildren were the apple of their eyes.

Dr Muscat said Dr Fenech Adami had continued to uphold the Office of the President with the dignity it deserved. The opposition, he said, had made its political judgment of Dr Fenech Adami, but it wanted to salute him for having done his duty as President in the past five years.

His locality visits and his meetings with the people were important for the institutions to be closer to the people.

He also praised Mrs Fenech Adami for being down to earth and an example of how one, despite one's position, could remain linked with reality.

The motion was unanimously approved.

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