ADPD has accused the major political parties of being united in defending arrogance against nature.

In a statement on the reopening of the spring hunting season, ADPD chairperson Carmel Cacopardo insisted that spring hunting is clearly outlawed in the EU's Birds Directive.

"While the directive provides for the possibility of a derogation in limited circumstances, this needs to be based on several strict criteria, amongst which are the strict supervision of hunting activities, and reliable data reporting. Clearly, these strict criteria are not being followed in Malta,” he said. 

He argued that spring hunting is an unsustainable practice that prevents people from enjoying the countryside during the most beautiful time of the year. Additionally, there may be costly legal ramifications with the incorrect application of the derogation.  

He said the two big parties are so terrified of the hunting lobby, that they are incapable of distinguishing right from wrong.

"It is unbelievable, that both parties are actively bragging about allowing hunters to kill birds during their nesting period. Birdlife Malta is to be thanked for its perseverance in standing up for nature in the face of the arrogance of the parliamentary parties and their friends, Cacopardo said. 

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