Animal NGOs have expressed their support for Welfare Commissioner Alison Bezzina following a Broadcasting Authority's decision on Bezzina's opinion regarding meat-eating animal lovers.

Bezzina had implied on a TVM programme that people who claim they love all animals but consume meat are "hypocrites".

In its decision, the BA warned that opinion should not be viewed as fact.

In their statement, Vuċi għall-Annimali, Animal Liberation Malta, Sunshine Animal Sanctuary, Real Animal Rights Foundation, Buddy’s Lost & Found Page, Voice for the Voiceless, and Help us help, said many who said they loved animals, actually loved pets.

"They are not as concerned about the lives of other animals, including those that end up on their plate, as otherwise they would not eat them.

"While it is possible to be an animal lover and have a deep affection for dogs, cats, birds, and various other animals that we do not consume, the contradiction arises when we claim to love cows, pigs, chickens, and other farm animals, yet continue to consume them.

"This inconsistency undermines the notion of genuine love and care for all animals and their well-being," the organisations said.

They added that the Broadcasting Authority’s "move to censor the Commissioner" is "a dark day for the media locally".

The meat and dairy lobby is trying to silence animal activists across the European Union and beyond, they added, noting that the complaint against Bezzina came from Malcolm Borg, who represented the agriculture lobby.

While the Commissioner’s interest is the protection of all animals, Borg wanted to protect the business interests of the meat industry, they said.

Vegan activist Darryl Grima from Vuci għall-Annimali insisted that if one cared for animals, the environment and health, one would not choose to eat meat and dairy.

The UN, he pointed out, recognised the meat and dairy industries as one of the main causes of climate change and that processed and red meat are a carcinogen like tobacco.

Furthermore, animal agriculture is cruel, he added.

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