In memoriam

AXISA. In loving memory of our brother GERALD on the 10th anniversary of his passing away. Marguerite, John and Jay, Peter and Marica and their families.

ELLUL MICALLEF – PATRICIA, née Stewart. Cherished and unfading memories of our beloved Patricia on the fourth anniversary of her demise. Fondly remembered with much love and gratitude by her husband, Roger, her children Robert, Michelle and her husband Steven, her in-laws, sisters, other relatives and many friends. A Mass for the repose of her soul is being offered today at 5.30pm at the University chapel. A prayer is being kindly solicited.

ELLUL-MICALLEF. Cherished memories of PATRICIA on the fourth anniversary of her passing. Margaret and her husband Alfred Pace, Isabelle and her husband Tonio Azzopardi, Gabriella Pace, Adrian Pace and his wife Golda and their children Matteo, Elisa and Federica. A prayer is kindly solicited.

In loving memory of ALBERT ZARB COUSIN who passed away 10 years ago today. Always remembered with love by his wife Yvonne, his daughter Luciana, his son Mark, his daughter-in-law Debbie, his grandchildren and great grandson, family and friends.

WALTER V. CUSCHIERI. In fond memory of a dear father and grandfather on the 22nd anniversary of his passing away to Eternal Life. Always in our thoughts and prayers Marie Thérèse, Thomas and Mandy, Phillip and Marlis, Joanna and Andrew, Timmy, Emma and Rudi, Julian, Gabi, Stephan and Christina, Hannah and Miguel, Kathryna and Graham, Chime, Annabelle and Josh, Edward, Andrew and great-grandchildren Emilia, Charlotte, Benjamin, Giuseppe and Mia.

Uganda Campus

The charity event held on Friday, October 13, 2023, for the purpose of collecting funds for building a campus in Uganda, managed to collect the total sum of €1,990 through bank transfers. Expenses amounted to €1,088. Signature of promoters: Sasha Gauci, Tasha Theuma, Ryan Theuma.

To book an obituary or an In Memoriam notice from Monday to Friday – during office hours (8am-4pm) – e-mail On Saturday and Sunday, all day, and Monday to Friday after office hours, e-mail



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