GONZI. On July 6, at Mater Dei Hospital, to Melanie Miceli Demajo and David, God's precious gift of a daughter - SOPHIE, a welcome sister to Thomas. Thanks be to God and Our Lady.

RAUSI. On July 15, at Mater Dei Hospital, to Melissa née Smith and Karl, God's precious gift of a first-born son - LUCA. Deo gratias et Mariae. Many thanks to all the staff at Delivery Suite, Obstetrics 1 and NPICU. Special thanks go to midwife Maria Agius Portelli.


Mr JONATHAN GRECH, B.Sc. (Hons.), SRP and Miss SARAH TABONE, B.Ed. (Hons.)
The marriage took place on July 9, at the church of the Divine Mercy, Naxxar, between JONATHAN, son of Mr and Mrs G. Grech, and SARAH, daughter of Mrs Shirley Tabone and the late Mr Richard Tabone. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Fr Stefan Attard. The bride was given away by her uncle, Mr Peter Best. The ceremony was witnessed by Mrs Nadia Xuereb and Dr John Bonnici Mallia. Mr Steven Grech, Mr Joseph Maggi and Mr Pedro Griscti carried out the duties of best men. Mr Thomas Glass and Mr Edward Tabone were ushers. The bride was attended by Ms Alexia Rossi, Ms Annabelle Grech and Ms Caroline Grech, while Thomas Best and Anna Best were pageboy and flower-girl. A reception was later held at Villa Arrigo, San Pawl tat-Tarġa. The couple are on honeymoon in South Africa. A big thank you goes to the wedding planners, Mrs Joelle Cachia and Mrs Linda Refalo.

Mr PIO SCIRIHA, B.Pharm. (Hons.) and Miss VERONICA AZZOPARDI, B.Pharm. (Hons.)

The marriage took place on Saturday, July 24, at the church of The Holy Cross, Floriana, between PIO, son of Mr and Mrs Peter Sciriha of Mosta, and VERONICA, daughter of Mr and Mrs Victor Azzopardi of Sliema. Nuptial Mass was celebrated by Fr Alfred Sacco. The ceremony was witnessed by Mr Daniel Azzopardi and Miss Sharon Sciriha. Mr Ives Bilocca and Mr James Sciriha carried out the duties of best men. The bride was attended by Mrs Greta Azzopardi Gauci Maistre, Mrs Chiara Bilocca, Miss Janine Copperstone, Miss Lilia Gingell and Miss Lara Micallef. Miss Cherieanne Attard was flower-girl. A reception was later held at Phoenicia Hotel, Floriana.


BUSUTTIL. On July 20, LINA, née Cassar, aged 84, of Valletta, widow of Victor, passed peacefully away, comforted by the rites of Holy Church. She leaves to mourn her great loss her children Don and Marthese, Joe and Liz, Mike and Monica, her beloved grandchildren Kayne and his wife Jennifer, Ashton and his wife Kristy, Stephanie, Adrian, Andrea, great-grandchildren Dylan, Brayden and Lorelai, her brothers Joe, Frank and Peter, her sisters Jane, Marion, Emilie and Isabelle, her brothers-in-law, sisters-in-law, nieces, nephews, relatives and friends. The funeral leaves Casa Antonia tomorrow for Santa Marija parish church, Birkirkara, where Mass praesente cadavere will be said at 8.30 a.m., followed by interment at Santa Maria Addolorata cemetery. No flowers by request but donations, to The Malta Hospice Movement, Balzan, will be greatly appreciated. Lord, grant her eternal rest. The family wishes to thank all the staff at Casa Antonia, Balzan, for their care and dedication.

SALMENTO. With deep regret we announce the passing away to eternal life of HELEN (Nellie), née Zammit, on July 11 in PA, USA. Deeply mourned by her beloved husband Sigmund, children Mary, John, Terese, Paul, Elaine, in-laws, and eight grandchildren of USA, her sister Juliana, brother Manuel, sisters-in-law Beatrix, Charlotte and their families. A Mass in celebration of her life will be said today at 11.30 a.m. at Our Lady of Good Counsel church, Paceville.
Jesus, Mary, Joseph.

In memoriam

BELLIZZI - ALFRED J. A dear brother sadly missed and fondly remembered, particularly on his anniversary. Rest in peace, dear Alfred. May, Harry, Elda.

BORG MALLIA - PAUL and GIUSA. In loving memory of our dearest parents on the anniversary of their demise. Fondly remembered by their children Nanette, Michael, Joan, Virginia, Evelyn and their respective families. Lord, grant them eternal rest.

DINGLI - PHENY, July 26. On this, the third anniversary of her death, fondly remembered by Rosanne, John and Toots, and innumerable family members and friends.
The stillness round my form
Was like the stillness in the air
Between the heaves of storm.

ELLUL. Remembering with love our dear mother MARGUERITE on the seventh anniversary of her death. Deeply missed by her husband Victor, her children Roberta, Marianne and Pierre and their families, her grandchildren, brother and sisters, relatives and friends. Forever in our hearts and prayers. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

FRENDO - DORIS of Marsa. On her 14th anniversary. Fondly remembered by her seven children, their spouses, grandchildren, her brothers and sisters, nephew and nieces, other relatives and friends. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

GATT - AFFIE. On the 32nd anniversary of his death. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His wife Grace, his son Edgar and his wife Diana, Simone, widow of John, and all the family. Kindly remember him in your prayers.

GATT - FRANCIS. In ever loving memory of a dear father, grandfather and great-grandfather on the eighth anniversary of his passing to a better life. Anthony, Monica, Raymond and their respective families.

MALLIA - MARY. On the third anniversary of her passing to eternal life. Remembered with love by her children Wilhelmina, Joseph, Marlene, Jeffrey and Valerie, in-laws and grandchildren. Please remember her in your prayers.

MALLIA - Chev. Dr PAUL MALLIA, LL.D. In memory of a loving and caring father and grandfather on the fifth anniversary of his demise. Fondly remembered and so sadly missed by Michael, Jo Anna and Tonio, in-laws and grandchildren. Forever in our thoughts and prayers. May the Lord grant him eternal rest.

MONTANARO - MARIQUITA. In ever loving memory of a beloved mother, grandmother and great-grandmother, today the 11th anniversary of her passing to a better life. Time may pass but our memories never fade. Liz and Pat and their families. Lord, grant her eternal rest.

PORTELLI - GAETANO. Loving, happy memories of a beloved husband and father on the ninth anniversary of his death. Always in our thoughts and prayers. His wife Elizabeth, son Alexander and family.

QUATTROMANI - ANTOINE. In ever loving memory of our dear father on the seventh anniversary of his demise. Fondly remembered and never forgotten by his children Graziella and Mariella, Fernando and Marina, relatives and friends. A prayer is solicited.

RUNCO. Treasured memories of CARMELO. Deeply missed by Antonio, Mary Rose and Anna Maria Espinosa Rodriguez.

SCICLUNA - HANNY. In loving memory of a dearly beloved husband, father, grandfather and great-grandfather, today the 20th anniversary of his death. Sadly missed and always in our thoughts. Inez, Pat, Tessa and John, Melissa, Samantha, Amelia, Francesca, Anthony and great-grandchildren.

VASSALLO - JOSEPH (Pussy). Sadly missed on this the first anniversary of his passing. Always remembered by his loving wife Gillian, in-laws and his many friends in Malta and around the world.

XUEREB. Cherished and unfading memories of our dear father, Prof. PIETRO XUEREB, on the 47th anniversary of his death. So loving and so loved. Laura, Mafine and their families. Lord, grant him eternal rest.


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To thank

Mary Vella Anastasi, 2.7.1919 - 11.7.2010, of St Venera. Her son and daughters, together with their respective families, would like to thank all those who showed sympathy, sent cards, offered Masses and attended the funeral on the sad occasion of her demise.

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