Andrew Paris, president of the Exiles Sports Club, Sliema writes:

“I have posted the Cheques for the players’ salaries in your letter-box. I have just been diagnosed and will go into hospital for an operation today.” That message sums up Adrian.  Duty, integrity and honesty before all things. Ever since I joined the Exiles Sports Club committee 32 years ago, Adrian has been ever so present. A man of more deeds than words and a most reliable treasurer.  He had a true love for water polo, first as a player then as an administrator and, more recently, as a most talented photographer taking poolside shots of most games, not just those concerning the Exiles team. You fought till the end, Adrian, now it is time to rest in peace. Farewell dear friend. You have been an example to us all and you will be sorely missed. Exiles is poorer without you. A true friend and a family man like no other. Sincere condolences to Marie, Francesca and Ian and all the family as well as your numerous friends. 

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