Frank Salt writes:

I was very saddened when I heard of the passing away of my good friend Lino Cefai.

Lino, along with Ino Attard, who also recently passed away, were the leaders in the tourism and property field in Gozo. When I say leaders, I mean people who did everything they could to make their products both environmentally and culturally acceptable.

Everything they did was done with taste.  From the beautiful Ta’ Frenċ restaurant, to the many attractive farmhouses they converted and either sold or rented to third parties.  Even the apartments they built had a feeling of Gozo about them.

Ino and Lino both did not live long enough to enjoy their unique success. This was a pity because they really deserved it.

We worked together in the Gozo property market, and I cherish the so many good times and the excellent cooperation that we had together.

I really hope that Gozo will keep on giving us people like Ino and Lino, because Gozo deserves people with their drive, charisma and environmental appreciation.

I will miss you both, dear friends.

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