APS Bank has launched a weekly e-newsletter designed to help commercial customers navigate through these challenging and unprecedented times.

The newsletter brings together a selection of curated articles with helpful ideas for customers, whether large entrepreneurs, self-employed or corporate executives, to survive and prosper. It is available on the bank’s website.

Anthony Buttigieg, chief banking officer at APS Bank said: “We believe in supporting our customers in the most complete way possible during these trying times. Apart from the various financial relief measures already announced and others that we are working on, including supporting the guarantee schemes announced by Government, we want to assist businesses with advice and ideas how they can transform to ride out this period.”

The bank has appointed a COVID-19 business response team, with the authority to engage directly and reply to customers with its relief measures according to their specific circumstances.

Customers can reach out to this team on covid19@apsbank.com.mt or APS Contact Centre on 2122 6644 

The latest updates on the measures being taken by APS Bank can be seen here.


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