The Maltese Diabetes Association has urged the health authorities to give persons living with chronic conditions like diabetes priority in the administration of the COVID-19 booster.

"Such persons should avail themselves of the booster vaccine without further delay and before any other age groups. This is particularly relevant to those living with diabetes and who are much younger than the age groups announced recently," the association said. 

Last year persons living with diabetes were given priority and were one of the first groups that took the vaccine since they were classified as “vulnerable”. The situation seems to be different this time round and persons living with diabetes will be taking their booster vaccine together with the general public, depending on their age group, the association complained.

The International Diabetes Federation in a position statement issued last month appealed to healthcare systems and governments in Europe to urgently ensure that persons with diabetes get prioritised to receive COVID-19 booster injections as soon as possible. 

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