A Baby Jesus statuette, known as the Baby Jesus of Padua, is exposed on the main altar of the Franciscan church in Victoria for the liturgical feast of St Anthony of Padua tomorrow, Tuesday.

The statuette, dating to the 18th century, is put on the main altar each year during the feast of St Anthony.

The statuette is also taken to homes as a relief to sick people and to those who are expecting a child. In fact, each time a grace is received with the intercession of Baby Jesus, a new dress is offered to the effigy, besides other votives.

Meanwhile, tomorrow, feast day, a special mass for the sick and aged, during which the Sacrament of the Sick will be administered, will be held at 9am. Devotional bread buns will handed out to the sick. Buns will also be distributed to the sick at Gozo General Hospital. Children will be blessed and babies presented to the saint.

Gozo Bishop Anton Teuma will lead a concelebrated mass at 7pm. The Stella Maris choir, directed by Mro Carmel Peter Grech, will take part.

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