A delegation made up of directors of Volksbank in Malta and Austria recently paid a courtesy call on President Eddie Fenech Adami to mark the tenth anniversary of business operations on the island.

The President welcomed Volksbank Malta chairman Maurice Mizzi, managing director Herbert Skok and director Werner Wess at the Palace in Valletta.

Österreichische Volksbanken AG was represented by chairman Franz Pinkl and director Erich Hackl. Dr Friedhelm Boschert of Volksbank International AG, and Dr Rainer Borns of Österreichischer Genossenschafts-Verband formed part of the delegation.

Volksbank Malta, a fully owned subsidiary of Österreichische Volksbanken AG, has been active in the international financial markets since 1995, when the bank was set up as an offshore bank, servicing non-resident customers.

In 2002, the bank was converted into a commercial bank and now offers its services to Maltese and international customers.

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