BDO Malta will be once again exhibiting at ICE London between February 4 and 6. The theme for this year’s expo is ‘Step into the future’. 

ICE London is recognised as the world’s largest gaming expo and will be taking place over three days with an estimated 35,000 delegates showing up for the expo. ICE London provides an opportunity to discover the latest in gaming innovation across all sectors. Over 150 countries will be represented at the show floor, offering an unrivalled and global platform to find new business and partnership opportunities. 

BDO Malta is licensed to conduct MGA  Systems and Compliance Audits for gaming companies as well as MDIA Systems Audits for gaming operators seeking to use virtual financial assets to make and receive payments within their gaming operations. 

Senior members of BDO’s Gaming Advisory team will be at the BDO Malta stand ready to assist in licensing, regulatory, compliance, tax and technology, among other areas. Gaming sectors which will be covered during this conference include betting, bingo, casino, lottery, mobile, online, payments, social, sports  betting and street.

Malta is regarded as the world capital  for iGaming companies. The industry  regulator – the Malta Gaming Authority (MGA) – offers two licences for operators, B2B and B2C.  

Mark Attard, partner and CEO at BDO Malta, said: “One of our values at BDO is helping people succeed. This is what we intend to achieve at ICE London, help new and existing gaming operators succeed in their business. The current gaming regulation positions Malta as a jurisdiction of choice for any entrepreneur seeking to maximise on  business incentives in a well-regulated jurisdiction. ICE London is a great showcase for BDO and Malta.”

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